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Electrical Slang

What do a "bug" and a "cherry" have in common?

They are both electrical slang terms!

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A cleaner used to remove contamination from a variety of insulations and jackets of high voltage cable prior to completing the splicing process.

Cable Cleaner Image



A plastic lamp cage or guard to fit over pigtail and protect lamp from breakage.

Cage Image



When inserted into a conduit run, it provides a means to attach wires or fish line at one end and pull them out through the other. The flat, spring metal design makes it extremely flexible and capable of navigation through elbows and turns. It is typically sold in 1/8, 3/16 and 1/4" widths with lengths from 25 to 100'. For convenience, they are also sold within fish dispenser reels to automatically extend and retract the fish tape but most people buy the inexpensive wire fish only and store it in a short piece of Greenfield.

Snake Image



Sleeve type heavy-duty anchor that comes with a variety of head types. The installation base does not have to be solid like is necessary for the Wedge Type Anchor. Can be used in concrete, brick, block or stone.

Lok Bolt Image



This has been known since the turn of the century as the AT&T standard strand clamp or guy clamp. It is made from hot dipped galvanized rolled steel and will hold any size guy strand from 1/4" to 1/2" diameter.

Guy Bolt Clamp Image



This is an 8-1/2" deep sleeve that is put into place by the electrician prior to the concrete being poured and it comes in varying widths. After the concrete sets, conduit is run through the sleeve to run risers from deck to deck. If a pour is deeper than 8-1/2", then the user will use two or more stacked together to do the job. They are made from a slippery plastic and are usually a forest green color. You would order them in sizes from 1-1/2" through 6". A 4" Crete sleeve would allow a 3" pipe to fit inside.

Crete Sleeve Image



A connector that facilitates connecting transformers, switches, sectionalizing cabinets and junctions to underground cables when there is no electrical load, (see also 'Deadbreak Elbow').

Loadbreak Elbow Image


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